Softlogic Holdings කොටස් නිකුතුවේ අයදුම්පත් බාරගැනිම අරඹයි.
සංස්ථා ප්රකාශය - බාගන්න
අයදුම්පත - බාගන්න
ව්යවස්ථාවලිය - බාගන්න
මෙම නිකුතුවට අයදුම් කිරීමට නම් ඔබට CDS ගිණුමක් අනිවාර්ය වන අතර අවම අයෝජනය කොටස් 500ක් (රු 500*29 රු.14500) වේ.
Company ID: - HNB (Voting)
Date of Initial Announcement: - 10-May-2011
Proportion: - One (01) new ordinary share for every five (05) shares held
Issue Price: - Rs.219.50/-
Qty Offered: - 57,480,039 or such other higher number consequent to the exercise of options under ESOS.
EGM / Provisional Allotment: - 21.June.2011
XR:- 22-June-2011
Dispatch of Provisional Letter of Allotment: - 28.June.2011
Rights Trading Commences on:- 04.July.2011
Renunciation:- 11.July.2011
Last Date of Acceptance & Payment:- 12.July.2011
Company ID: - HNB (Non - Voting)
Date of Initial Announcement: - 10-May-2011
Proportion: - One (01) new ordinary share for every five (05) shares held
Issue Price: - Rs.119.50/-
Qty Offered: - 14,027,831 or such other higher number consequent to the exercise of options under ESOS.
EGM / Provisional Allotment: - 21.June.2011
XR:- 22-June-2011
Dispatch of Provisional Letter of Allotment: - 28.June.2011
Rights Trading Commences on:- 04.July.2011
Renunciation:- 11.July.2011
Last Date of Acceptance & Payment:- 12.July.2011
By Bandula Sirimanna
The June 30 deadline given to Registered Finance Companies (RFCs) for a stock market listing may be extended as most of these firms have not complied with this rule, Central Bank (CB) officials said. Only 15 of 36 RFCs have entered the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) following the CB ruling of listing all these finance companies by end June as part of its prudential regulation framework.
A senior CB official told the Business Times that several finance companies out of the balance 21 which are to be listed in the CSE have submitted their applications and the CB is in the process of examining some of them. ‘I don’t think that all these companies can be listed by June 30 and the Monetary Board of the Central Bank will have to consider an extension of the deadline evaluating it on a case-by-case basis,” the official said.
The CB issued a directive to all RFCs to get a listing on the CSE as part of an enhanced regulatory framework of the financial sector following the collapse of several finance companies including many managed by the failed Ceylinco group. These finance companies mobilized substantial amount of savings in the country and this directive was a move to increase the level of public scrutiny, accountability and transparency, he added. Three out of seven registered finance companies hit by the global finance crisis are now back in business owing to crisis resolution and regulatory measures taken by the CB.
He revealed that The Finance Company has completed the conversion of deposits to equity and its public issue had been completed. Some of these depositors however are opposed to listing, demanding the repayment of their deposits on maturity. They were of the view that acquiring troubled finance company shares will not bring dividends for them, as these shares cannot be traded at a high price at the Colombo bourse in the short run.
Source :
The CSE has approved in-principle an Application for listing the ordinary voting shares of the above Company for a Diri Savi Board listing. Further
කොළඹ කොටස් වෙළඳ පොළේ කොටස් මිලදී ගැනීම සඳහා ආයෝජකයින් දක්වන දැඩි උනන්දුව Expolanka කොටස් නිකුතුවෙන්ද පිළිඹිබු වේ.
මේ අනුව, Expolanka සමාගම් සමූහය විසින් රුපියල් බිලියන 2.4 ක් රැස්කර ගැනීම වෙනුවෙන් සිදුකළ කොටස් නිකුතුව විවෘත කළ දිනයේදීම එයට අධි ඉල්ලුමක් ඇතිවූ අතර ඒ සඳහා රුපියල් බිලියන 11.5 ක් වටිනා කොටස් අයදුම් පත් ලැබී තිබේ.
මෙහිදී, සමාගම විසින් කොළඹ කොටස් වෙළඳ පොළට දැනුම් දී තිබෙන්නේ වටිනා කමින් වැඩි බොහෝ අයදුම්පත් බැංකු ඇප සුරැකුම් ලබාදෙමින් ඉදිරිපත් කර තිබූ බවයි.
මේ අනුව, රුපියල් බිලියන 9.5 ක් වටිනා අයදුම් පත් 108 ක් ලැබී තිබෙන්නේ බැංකු සුරැකුම් ඉදිරිපත් කරමින්ය.
මීට අමතරව, රුපියල් බිලියන 02 ක් පමණ වටිනා අයදුම් පත් 12,917 ක් ලැබී තිබෙන්නේ චෙක් පත් වලින් හා බැංකු අණකර ඉදිරිපත් කරමින් බව සඳහන්ය.
දිවයිනේ ප්රමුඛ පෙලේ සමාගමක් වන සොෆ්ට්ලොජික් හෝල්ඩිංන්ස් සමාගම කොටස් නිකුතුවකට සූදානම් වන අතර ඒ සඳහා කොළඹ කොටස් වෙළඳපලේ(CSE) අනුමැතිය ලැබී ඇතැයි පැවසේ. මේ අනුව රු. 29ක් වන කොටස් මිලියන 139ක් නිකුත් කර රු. බිලියන 4ක් රැස් කිරිමට බලාපොරොත්තු වන බව සමාගමේ සභාපති හා කළමනාකාර අධ්යක්ෂ අශෝක පතිරගේ මහතා පවසයි.
මෙම සමාගම නොකියා දුරකථන හා ඩෙල් පරිගණක බෙදාහරින්නාද වන අතර ආසිරි රෝහල් සමූහයේ හා සොෆ්ට්ලොජික් ෆිනෑන්ස් PLC හි හිමිකාරිත්වයද දරයි. එසේම මෙම සමාගම වාහන විකිනීම් , හොටල් ආදී ක්ෂේත්ර රැසක ව්යාපාර සිදු කරයි.
කොටස් මිල දී ගැනීමට පලමුව ඔබ තැරැව්කාර සමාගමක් හරහා CDS (Central Depositary System) ගිණුමක් විවෘත කල යුතුය. එය නොමිලේ සිදු කල හැකිය. මේ වන විට බලපත්ර ලත් තැරැව්කාර සමාගම් 25ක් පමණ තිබෙන අතර ඔබට කැමති සමාගමක් හරහා CDS ගිණුමක් විවෘත කල හැකිය.
එම සමාගම් වල ලිපින,දුරකතන අංක, විද්යුත් තැපැල් ලිපින හා වෙබ් ලිපින පහත දැක්වේ..
Bartleet Mallory Stockbrokers (Pvt) Ltd
Level "G", "Bartleet House", 65, Braybrooke Place, Colombo 2.
Tel. 5220200, Fax: 2434985
Acuity Stockbrokers (Pvt) Ltd.
Level 6, Acuity House,No. 53, Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 3.
Tel. 2206206
Fax: 2206298/9
E-mail: sales@acuitystockbrokers.c
John Keells Stockbrokers (Pvt) Ltd.
130, Glennie Street, Colombo 2.
Tel. 2326003, 2338066/7, 2342066/7, 2446694/5, 2439047/8, 4-710721-4
Fax: 2342068, 2326863
Asha Phillip Securities Ltd.
Level 4, "Millennium House", 46/58, Navam Mawatha, Colombo 2.
Tel. 2429100,
Fax: 2429199
Assetline Securities (Pvt) Ltd.
No. 282, Kaduwela Road, Battaramulla.
Tel 4700111, 2307366
Fax: 4700112,2307365
Somerville Stockbrokers (Pvt) Ltd.
137, Vauxhall Street, Colombo 2.
Tel. 2329201-5, 2332827, 2338292-3
Fax: 2338291,
J B Securities (Pvt) Ltd.
150, St. Joseph Street, Colombo 14.
Tel. 2490900, 077-2490900, 077-2490901
Fax: 2430070, 2446085, 2447875
Lanka Securities (Pvt) Ltd.
228/2, Galle Road, Colombo 04.
Tel. 4706757, 2554942
Fax: 4706767
Asia Securities (Pvt) Ltd.
Level 21, West Tower, World Trade Centre, Echelon Square, Colombo 1.
Tel. 2423905, 5320000
Fax: 2336018
Ceylinco Stockbrokers (Pvt) Ltd.
Ceylinco House, Level 9, 69, Janadhipathi Mawatha, Colombo 1.
Tel. 4-714300, 4-714388, 4-714389, 0777-891871, 0777-896064
Fax: 2387228
Capital Trust Securities (Pvt) Ltd.
42, Mohamed Macan Markar Mawatha, Colombo 3.
Tel. 5-335225,
Fax: 5-365725
S C Securities (Pvt) Ltd.
2nd Floor, 55 D.R. Wijewardena Mawatha, Colombo 10.
Tel. 4711000,
Fax: 2394405
Website: http://www.sampathsecuriti
CT Smith Stockbrokers (Pvt) Ltd.
4-14, Majestic City, 10, Station Road, Colombo 4.
Tel. 2552290 - 4
Fax: 2552289
DNH Financial (Pvt) Limited.
Level 16, West Tower, World Trade Center, Colombo 01.
Tel. 5732222
Fax: 5736264
NDB Stockbrokers (Pvt) Ltd.
5th Floor, NDB Building, 40, Navam Mawatha, Colombo 2.
Tel. 2314170 to 2314178
Fax: 2314180
Capital Alliance Securities (Pvt) Ltd.
Level 5, "Millennium House", 46/58 Navam Mawatha, Colombo 2.
Tel: 2317777
Fax: 2317788
SMB Securities (Pvt) Ltd.
No. 47, Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 3.
Tel: 5539593
Fax: 2339292
First Guardian Equities (Pvt) Ltd.
32nd Floor, East Tower, World Trade Centre, Echelon Square, Colombo 1.
Tel: 5884400 (Hunting)
Fax: 5884401
E-mail: info@firstguardianequities
Website: www.firstguardianequities.
Taprobane Securities (Pvt) Ltd.
2nd Floor,
No. 10, Gothami Road,
Colombo 08.
Tel: +94-11-5328200
Fax: +94-11-5328277
Heraymila Securities Ltd.
Level 8, South Wing, Millennium House, 46/58 Nawam Mawatha, Colombo 02.
Tel: 011-2359100
Fax: 011-2305522
SKM Lanka Holdings (Pvt) Ltd
No.377/3, Galle Road Colombo 3
Tel: 0112372413-4
Fax: 0112372416
IIFL Securities Ceylon Pvt Ltd
27th Floor, East Tower,
World Trade Centre,
Echelon Square, Colombo 1
Tel: 011-2333000
Fax: 011-2333383
19-01 East Tower,
World Trade Centre,
Echelon Square, Colombo 1
Tel: 011-7857799
Fax: 011-7857857
Richard Pieris Securities (Pvt) Ltd
69, Hyde Park Corner, Colombo 02.
Tel: 011-7448900
Fax: 011-2675064
Claridge Stockbrokers (Pvt) Ltd
No.10 Gnanartha Pradeepa.
Mawath, Colombo 8
Tel: 0112697974
Fax: 0112677576
New World Securities (Pvt) Ltd
2nd Floor, 45/2, Braybrooke Street,
Colombo 2.
Tel: 011-2358700 / 20
Fax: 011-2358701
Arrenga Capital (Pvt.) Ltd
Level 23, East Tower
World Trade Centre
Colombo 1
Tel: +94 011 7277000 to 98
Fax: + 94 011 7277099
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has approved Vallibel One Ltd’s (VOL) Initial Public Offering worth Rs. 500 million which is scheduled to open next month.
VOL is the first holding company of business tycoon Dhammika Perera consolidating his personal and controlling/strategic stakes in Royal Ceramics, LB Finance, Sampath Bank as well as an upcoming luxury resort in Negombo. VOL also has interests in renewable energy projects.
The IPO involves 20 million ordinary voting shares priced at Rs. 25 each, which was the same price at which VOL had a private placement early this year to raise Rs. 4.9 billion via issuance of 196 million shares. The latter was not only the biggest ever private placement but was a sell out with Rs. 7.5 billion worth of applications received.
Post IPO, Dhammika will own around 80% stake in VOL, which is steered by a board of directors involving top professionals.
Acuity Partners who were managers to the private placement will function in the same capacity for the IPO as well, bringing its tally of IPOs to three including one as a co-manager.
VOL is a diversified holding company with strategic investments in financial services, tile and sanitary ware manufacturing, and leisure. Sector specific operations are carried out through its subsidiaries, namely LB Finance PLC, Royal Ceramics Lanka PLC and Greener Waters Ltd, the leisure venture arm of the company. Further, the VOL holds 15% of Sampath Bank PLC which is treated as a strategic long term investment.
The Rs. 4.9 billion private placement was floated to part finance investment of up to Rs. 2 billion in leisure sector projects in Sri Lanka. The company will engage in leisure sector projects through its fully owned subsidiary, Greener Water Limited, which is investing in a 382 room, luxurious five star resort to be located in Kochchikade, Negombo.
The hotel will target the high end of the tourist segment and will be positioned as a five star hotel. The starting gross average room rate will be USD 180 and will increase to up to USD 220 in the 5th year of operation, as per the private placement prospectus.
Additionally funds raised via private placement will also part finance investments of up to Rs. 1 billion in selected power sector projects in Sri Lanka and part finance investment of up to Rs. 1 billion in other related investments.
Whilst Dhammika Perera is the chairman and managing director of VOL, Nimal Perera is the executive vice chairman. Other board members are attorney-at-law Harsha Amarasekera (Independent Non-Executive Director), banker Kimarli Fernando (Independent Non-Executive Director), senior partner and country head of KPMG Ford Rhodes Thornton & Company Rajan Asirwatham (Independent Non-Executive Director) and LB Finance managing director Sumith Adhihetty (Non-Executive Director).
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Market’s value swells by Rs. 43 b; improved sentiments trigger fresh round of buying; SEC gives more time for settlement of remainder of debt
Vesak illumination was literally in full glow yesterday for the Colombo bourse as its value rose by a whopping Rs. 43 billion, aided by positive news which triggered a fresh round of buying.
The stock market began after two days of Vesak holidays on a high note with indices up but as speculated exclusively by the Daily FT, announcement of relaxation of credit rules by the Securities and Exchange (SEC) saw the market boom.
The All Share Price Index finished the day up 1.75% to close at 7,487 points, highest since 19 April. The 129 point gain is also highest since 12 April. Milanka gained by over 1% or 81 points. Market capitalisation rose by Rs. 43 billion to Rs. 2,537 billion, short by only Rs. 63 billion from its all-time high of Rs. 2,600 billion on 14 February.
With yesterday’s gain, the Colombo’s year-to-date return rose to 12.84%, further cementing its position as Asia’s best performer. However, the MPI continues with negative return of 2.3%, although much lower in comparison to 4% as of last week.
Turnover topped the Rs. 3 billion mark, a two-week high; much of it came after the SEC’s announcement.
Via a directive SEC said brokers have been granted additional time to clear debtor balances. Accordingly, 25% of the remaining debtors over T+3 is are to be cleared by 30 September 2011 and the balance 25% to be cleared by 31st December 2011. Earlier the rule was to clear the remainder 50% of the debtor balance by 30 June.
“The commission decision to grant the relief as mentioned above was based on the improved market conditions, especially having taken cognisance of the fact that the majority of the stock broking companies have been able to reduce the risk exposure of debtors over T+3 days by 50% as at 31 March 2011 and representations made by market participants,” a statement issued by SEC Director General Malik Cader said.
The Daily FT yesterday reported the impending announcement whilst on 9 May it reported the broker recommendations of a deferment and a phased-out period of settlement.
“Relaxation of the credit clearance policy led to renewed buying interest across the board, resulting in both indices enjoying hefty gains,” John Keells Stock Brokers said.
‘Relief granted to clear debtors driving prices up,’ NDB Stockbrokers headlined its report. “Market recorded the second-highest daily turnover for the month. Most shares gained as buying interest improved,” the broker said.
“While improvements in quarterly corporate earnings failed to improve prices since last week, the extended deadlines on debt collections for broking houses seem to have elated the investors,” NDB Stockbrokers said.
In its usual style, premier blue chip JKH was the top turnover contributor for the day with Rs. 242 million via trade of 0.8 million shares. Its share price gained by near 1% or Rs. 2.90, to close at Rs. 299.
The Bank, Finance & Insurance sector was the main contributor to the market turnover (driven by HNB and Nation Lanka Finance), while the sector index increased 1.4%. Two crossings of 1,000,000 shares were recorded for HNB at Rs. 230. The Manufacturing sector also contributed significantly to the market turnover, with the sector index climbing 2.99%.
Central Finance gained by Rs. 26.70 to Rs. 1,600.40 and accounted for fourth largest turnover of Rs. 184 million, whilst HDFC Bank gained by Rs. 7.70 to Rs. 1,607.70. Biggies in the sector Commercial, DFCC and Sampath also gained, whilst Aviva NDB rose by Rs. 19.90 to Rs. 310 on a volume of 200 shares.
Softlogic Holdings Group’s Asiri Hospitals saw 20.15 million of its shares or 2.2% traded for Rs. 171 million, accounting for fifth highest turnover and the share price up 50 cents to Rs. 8.60. Related party Asiri Central on a thin volume of 700 shares gained by Rs. 12.30 to Rs. 312.30.
Another encouraging factor was continuing net foreign inflow with yesterday’s figure amounting to Rs. 74 million on top of Rs. 3.1 billion (in May) as of Monday.
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ශ්රි ලංකා මහ බැංකු නියාමනය අනුව යමින් ලියාපදිංචි තවත් මූල්ය සමාගම් 2ක් කොටස් වෙළඳ පොළේ “දිරිසවි“ පුවරුවේ ලයිස්තු ගතකිරීමට සූදානම්වේ. එම ලියාපදිංචි මූල්ය සමාගම් 2 වන්නේ, මල්ටි ෆිනෑන්ස් ලිමිට්ඩ් හා AMW කැපිටල් ලීසින් යන සමාගම්ය. මේ වන විට තවත් මූල්ය සමාගම් 5ක් කොටස් වෙළඳ පොළේ ලයිස්තු ගතකිරීමට සූදානම්ව සිටී. ඒ කොමර්ශල් ක්රෙඩිට් ලිමිට්ඩ්, චිලව් ෆිනෑන්ස්, ස්වර්ණමහල් ෆයිනෑන්ශල් සර්විසස්, බිම්පුත් ලංකා ඉන්වෙස්ට්මන්ට්ස් හා මර්කන්ටයිල් ඉන්වෙස්ට්මන්ට්ස් යන සමාගම්ය.
ශ්රි ලංකා මහ බැංකු නියාමනය අනුව යමින් ලියාපදිංචි මූල්ය සමාගම් 5ක් කොටස් වෙළඳ පොළේ “දිරිසවි“ පුවරුවේ ලයිස්තු ගතකිරීමට සූදානම් වන අතර මේවා මූලික මහජන කොටස් නිකුතු නොවන බව සඳහන්ය. එම ලියාපදිංචි මූල්ය සමාගම් 5 වන්නේ, කොමර්ශල් ක්රෙඩිට් ලිමිට්ඩ්, චිලව් ෆිනෑන්ස්, ස්වර්ණමහල් ෆයිනෑන්ශල් සර්විසස්, බිම්පුත් ලංකා ඉන්වෙස්ට්මන්ට්ස් හා මර්කන්ටයිල් ඉන්වෙස්ට්මන්ට්ස් යන සමාගම් වේ.